April 2020 Update

April 2020 Update

Welcome to the April 2020 edition

The last month has seen Stage 3 restrictions come into play mixed with a little layer of uncertainty. I would like to rip the proverbial band-aid off or address the elephant in the room and communicate what you may already know. With these ever-changing times, the days of getting masks and some other high demand consumables at the prices were all accustomed to is a thing of the past for now. Please be mindful this will be felt across the whole industry. The impact of the AUD with import costs, sourcing other brands from local suppliers to keep up with our main objective, which is to keep practices and clinicians working. I will always be fully transparent with you and available to answer any questions you may have.

Mun Gloves supply Hospitals, Dorevitch, Vic Police, Ambulance Vic are available, hand sanitiser and masks also available and we will have access to Shields within a week. Gowns are still in high demand with most manufacturers supplying hospitals only, we are however in discussions with other avenues and will notify you when this changes.

Gamacide 3, as you all know is a product I have been “banging on about for a long time” as one of my dentists so eloquently put it. It is in high demand and so efficient being an impregnated wipe and effective kill against enveloped Viruses (much harder to kill than non-enveloped viruses like Coronavirus). It is Bactericidal, Virucidal, Tuberculocidal and Fungicidal. Gamacide is effective against Poliovirus, Rotavirus and Tuberculosis the hardest spore to kill, if you do not have any yet, let me know and I will get you some, fastest on the market and internationally recognised.

I would highly recommend you keep in contact with the ADA Victoria Branch for the latest updates. There are many great sites that can keep you connected and in the loop. One I would recommend is Dental Evolution Facebook. I am very proud to be associated with Dentavision who have been amazing at distributing stock to you all fairly and as efficiently as possible. Stay connected, be well, be safe, you are not alone!

ADX 2020 – March 13-15

ADX 2020 – March 13-15

ADX20 Sydney Plan Your Experience Now

13-15 March 2020 |International Convention Centre Sydney

Friday 13 March 2020 10.00am – 6.00pm | Saturday 14 March 2020 10.00am – 6.00pm | Sunday 15 March 2020 10.00am – 3.00pm

Looking to attend ADX20 Sydney?

About Australia’s Premier Dental Event

Australia’s premier dental event is ADX20 Sydney, a biennial event that is recognised as the place where the nation’s dental community comes together to see more, buy more and learn more.

Since it was first held in 2006 this trade show has established itself as the best opportunity for dentists and allied oral healthcare professionals.

  • 550+ exhibition booths

  • 13,500+ square meters of exhibition space

  • 60+ seminar sessions

  • 10,000+ stakeholders attending from across the dental industry

Held biennially and convened by the Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA), the peak business organisation representing dental product manufacturers and suppliers, ADX20 Sydney is the nation’s largest healthcare trade show.

If your business or association is interested in being part of ADX20 Sydney simply contact Exhibitions Operations Manager Jan Van Dyk via email at [email protected] or by telephone on 1300 943 094.

ADX20 Sydney — See more, buy more, learn more.

ACTIVA Receives 2019 Top Bioactive Product Award from The Dental Advisor

ACTIVA Receives 2019 Top Bioactive Product Award from The Dental Advisor

ACTIVATM BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVETM received the Top Bioactive Product Award from THE DENTAL ADVISOR for 2019. The original bioactive composite continues to impress dentist evaluators.

ACTIVA BioACTIVE responds to pH changes in the oral environment by releasing and recharging calcium, phosphate and fluoride. This unique chemistry supports the natural remineralization process and helps form a seal between the material and the tooth. Unlike traditional composites, which are generally hydrophobic and brittle, ACTIVA BioACTIVE contains a shock-absorbing rubberized resin that resists chipping and wear. Dentist evaluators found that “the esthetics were excellent at 2 years.”

“To be considered for an award, products must receive an excellent rating by THE DENTAL ADVISOR, as well as stand out from all others in the market place,” said Dr. Sabiha Bunek, The Dental Advisor’s Editor-in-Chief. ACTIVA BioACTIVE responds to pH cycles and an evaluator for THE DENTAL ADVISOR noted that “the uptake of Calcium, Phosphate and Fluoride could have a positive effect.” (The Dental Advisor Evaluator Comments, Top Product 2018).

In 2017, The Dental Advisor rated ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE™ as excellent, with 5 plus (+++++) and a 98% clinical performance rating after the second year of a long-term clinical evaluation of 194 anterior and posterior restorations. Dentist evaluators used the material for a variety of applications, including 1, 2, 3 and 4 surface restorations and core build-ups. (The Dental Advisor ACTIVA BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE Two-Year Clinical Performance). Click here to view the full report.

ACTIVATM BioACTIVE is an esthetic bioactive composite that imitates the physical and chemical properties of teeth. It contains no Bisphenol A, no Bis-GMA and no BPA derivatives.

ADA warns of dangers of DIY teeth-whitening products

ADA warns of dangers of DIY teeth-whitening products

Australian dentists have said they are worried by the number of people coming to them with chemical burns and ulcers after using teeth-whitening products they saw being spruiked by celebrities and influencers online.

Key points:

  • DIY teeth-whitening products are widely promoted on social media by celebrities and influencers
  • The Australian Dental Association is urging people not to use the DIY products because of the risks involved
  • Ad Standards relies on the public alerting it to advertising that breaches its codes

“The worst case we’ve seen in our practice is very severe gum burn, and it is a chemical burn,” dentist Norah Ayad told the ABC.

“This patient had severe ulceration all over their mouth, because this bleach had come into contact with everywhere around their mouth, their cheeks, their lips, their tongue and all the way around their gumline.

“It took several weeks to resolve, and the patient was in a lot of pain.”

A Kardashian uses a teeth-whitening mouthguard while applying make-up.

In the past few years an array of toothpastes, LED lights, powders, strips, oils, gels and procedures have been spruiked online as relatively cheap teeth whiteners that can be used at home.

Celebrities such as UFC fighter Conor McGregor, various members of the Kardashian-Jenner family, soccer star Zlatan Ibrahimovic and other social media influencers have endorsed the products online.

Dr Ayad said she saw someone in pain because of a DIY product at least once a week at her Gold Coast practice.

She said the vast majority of these patients were in their late teens to early 20s.

“Certainly, some of our younger teenagers, leading up to special events like formals, they want those white teeth for all their photos. We are seeing them accessing these kinds of products.”

But the Australian Dental Association (ADA) said it was not only younger people who were being fooled by the online promise of a gleaming smile.

As part of Dental Health Week, the association told the ABC it was a national problem with no age limit.

Charcoal products found to erode enamel

Sydney dentist and ADA spokeswoman Mikaela Chinotti said there was no single product or brand that was the focus of concern, but rather an array of goods in the burgeoning industry.

Some have such a weak concentration that they do nothing, while others sold online have concentrations of chemicals that would not be allowed on the shelves of Australian stores.

“There are companies at this time boasting over a million sales to consumers trying to whiten their teeth,” Dr Chinotti said.

“The main culprits are DIY whitening kits, which are forms of whitening solution, as well as charcoal products, which are toothpastes and powders.”

Videos and images of people brushing their teeth with black pastes have been trending on social media.

A study published in the British Dental Journal in May examined 50 charcoal-based products and concluded they could cause more harm than good.

Dr Chinotti said the researchers found the charcoal could scratch off the protective layer on teeth, leaving them bare and exposing cracks in teeth to further damage.

“The charcoal products were found to cause abrasion to enamel, discolouration of white filling materials, the inclusion of human carcinogenic materials,” she said.

“As well, the activated charcoal can absorb fluoride, rendering it useless in the paste.”

She said the ADA urged people not to use charcoal products.

‘If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’

She also said the Australian Government and regulators should do more to monitor potentially dangerous products.

“The manufacturers of these products need to abide by the same strict regulations that apply to sales and advertising that apply to dental professionals,” she said.

Traditional advertising on television, radio and in print media is governed in Australia by consumer affairs agencies and Ad Standards, and the same standards apply to the online sphere.

But it is an increasingly difficult realm to manage.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) receives about 13,000 reports each year about products, but since 2013 has only assessed 17 reports of injuries associated with DIY teeth-whitening products.

Ad Standards chief executive Fiona Jolley said it had been looking at online ads since 2006, but last year only 3 per cent of all complaints it received were about social media advertising.

“Social media and online advertising is a very broad space,” she said.

“Ad Standards operates on a complaints basis, so we are not out there actively policing ads, so it is important that if people see something breaching the codes, it is important they contact us, or the ACCC.

“The public has a really important role to play.”

She said Ad Standards had not received any complaints about social media ads regarding beauty products and teeth whitening.

“But consumers should operate on the basis that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is,” she said.

Source: ABC News

ACTIVA Receives 2018 Top Bioactive Product Award from The Dental Advisor

ACTIVA Receives 2018 Top Bioactive Product Award from The Dental Advisor

ACTIVATM BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVETM received the Top Bioactive Product Award from THE DENTAL ADVISOR for the third year running in 2018. The first esthetic bioactive dental material continues to impress dentist evaluators.

ACTIVA BioACTIVE responds to pH changes in the oral environment by releasing and recharging calcium, phosphate and fluoride. This unique chemistry supports the natural remineralization process and helps form a seal between the material and the tooth. Unlike traditional composites, which are generally hydrophobic and brittle, ACTIVA BioACTIVE contains a shock-absorbing rubberized resin that resists chipping and wear. Dentist evaluators found that “the esthetics were excellent at 2 years.”

“To be considered for an award, products must receive an excellent rating by THE DENTAL ADVISOR, as well as stand out from all others in the market place,” said Dr. Sabiha Bunek, The Dental Advisor’s Editor-in-Chief. ACTIVA BioACTIVE responds to pH cycles and an evaluator for THE DENTAL ADVISOR noted that “the uptake of Calcium, Phosphate and Fluoride could have a positive effect.” (The Dental Advisor Evaluator Comments, Top Product 2018).

In 2017, The Dental Advisor rated ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE™ as excellent, with 5 plus (+++++) and a 98% clinical performance rating after the second year of a long-term clinical evaluation of 194 anterior and posterior restorations. Dentist evaluators used the material for a variety of applications, including 1, 2, 3 and 4 surface restorations and core build-ups. (The Dental Advisor ACTIVA BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE Two-Year Clinical Performance). Click here to view the full report.

ACTIVATM BioACTIVE is an esthetic bioactive composite that imitates the physical and chemical properties of teeth. It contains no Bisphenol A, no Bis-GMA and no BPA derivatives.

About PULPDENT® Corporation
PULPDENT® Corporation is a family-owned dental research, manufacturing company and leader in bioactive dental materials. ACTIVA BioACTIVE™, developed by Pulpdent, is a bioactive restorative material that behaves much like natural teeth and stimulates the formation of apatite, chemically bonds to teeth and helps protect against decay. For over 70 years, Pulpdent has been committed to product innovation, clinical education and patient-centered care. To stay updated on bioactivity and learn about the Heroic Dentistry Series, which demonstrates ACTIVA’s unprecedented capabilities